Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 30: Living on a Pound a Day - Done, Finito, Kaputs The End!

How sweet it is to have come to a conclusion of this monetary challenge. I've taken my time to post this one as I've taken time out this long weekend to relax and return to unrestrained living. I've revisited the London Underground (and realised how much i dislike it), I've indulged in an expresso and caramel slice at the cafe. I've put on a delightful lunch for a friend and best of all, I haven't eaten porridge for the past 3 days!
What you really want to know though, is did I spend to constrains of the 30 pound budget?

The Grand Total for the month of April - £39.06

What! You broke the budget! You Failed!

Well, yeah i guess i did fail and I knowingly did this as well. As much, as it would be an accomplishment to have gone under the target value, this challenge to me was really about assessing my everyday actions/functions and to explore further in how i would have to adapt my life when a stringent financial restraint is applied. Reliance on self-transport in commuting around, the limitations in quality of food available and the reduction in social outings are all difficulties I've had to overcome this month. For the most part, the difficulty was managing the balance between work and conducting the day to day essential tasks. Between the foraging for clearance food, preparation of meals, weekly chores, handling of personal administration tasks, fitness training and attending social engagements, there doesn't leave much else for one to fit in the day. I've found a certain discipline is required to be efficient in managing one's day. It provides a possible reason as to why convenience stores are a plenty in London. For those that are time poor, we now rely on prepackaged, ready to go solutions! It allows us to divert our attention and attend to more 'critical' tasks at hand.

So what can I personally make of this challenge?
It is possible to live on meager standards although nutritionally, you aren't getting all the necessary dietary intake.
London is relatively cycle friendly city and it's quite viable to commute to work.
It's okay to drink water at a pub. All you gotta do is say No.
Man / Woman can not survive on porridge alone!

There are few topics I hope to explore post challenge as I didn't get a chance to incorporate and document my findings during the month. I'm hoping it will provide some further insight to what the ramifications for those living on a minimal means.
Thanks for those who have been reading along. I hope I've delivered some sort 'food for thought' in how you go about your daily lives and looking further in who we consume.

Day 30

Breakfast - Porridge
Lunch - Wagamama (Courtesy of NMQA)
Dinner - Cous Cous / Chick Pea / Corn Salad.

Daily Spend: London Underground Return Trip - 4.60 / Early Post challenge celebration drinks (7.4)


Patrick Tsang

Most impressive.
Glad you made it through matey lol :)

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