So in order to get to work, one would typically flock like sheep to the tube station or buses. Trapped like zombified sardines, commuters push and squeeze into any available train space. Those fortunate enough to secure seating earlier on, have drifted off into land of nod. Others, mainly females - go through the routine of applying the tribal war paint, readying for the corporate battles. Men armed with hardened briefcases and donned with uniform trenchcoats are focused on revising the daily battle plan. The carriage is void of chatter, each individual's mind thinking of one thing alone - COFFEE! Will these combatants emerge victorous or defeated at the end of the battle? I will never know, I've instead, elected to walk to work.
My walking route begins in Archway, down through Holloway, snakes Highbury and Old Street and 11km later winds up at London Bridge. I'm greeted this morning with blue skies and the glorious warm rays of the sun. It's absolutely fitting start to kick off a challenge and I'm feeling positive. By walking, I'm saving myself 26 pounds on a weekly tube/bus ticket. Granted walking is neither quick nor even suitable for certain commutes, it's an activity that is free so long as you can arrange your timing. My commute to work takes me an 1hr 20, quite reasonable so long as i rise at the appropriate time.
Today's food menu has yet to be decided but it's going have to cheap and filling. Only one food comes to my mind that fits that category around breakfast time - Rolled Oats AKA Porridge. Love it or hate it, porridge is a great sustaining food. On a brisk London morning it's also rather warming.
Tesco Metro presents an array of choices for rolled oats. Some for instant cooking, others contain banana flavouring. Ranging from 2 pounds to 4 pounds, it bears a similar cost to a coffee and toast from your local cafe. The one that grabs my attention is the Tesco Value brand - Porridge Oats 1kg. Cost: 58p. Sold!
Needless to say, I'm going to be reporting porridge for quite some time as my major food source.
The evening proceedings was to walk on down MM's birthday drinks at Shoreditch. As stated in my challenge conditions, I can't have friends buying me drink so this was going to be a sober affair. The bar is teeming with frocked up ladies and suave lads. The long weekend is upon us and the masses are eager to get stuck in. The nectar of the gods is flowing freely and most are partaking in the imbibing. Did someone call shots for the birthday girl? 5 CSC emerge out of nowhere and then disappear just as rapidly. At 3.5 pounds each - that's 17.5 pound for a round. It's a value that resonates with me, over half my budget consumed in a sitting!
Party proceedings over, I trek on home. Patrons and party-goers are spilling in and out of the establishments. Some flag down a cab, others board a bus to whisk them home. I rate public transport in London. Sure there the hiccups and various grievances but on the whole, it's miles ahead of the Sydney Transport experience. Buses are scheduled at most 15 minutes apart throughout the day with undergrounds tubes scheduled even less. With a considerably large network - numerous routes are on offer for the individual to embark and to traverse around London. However, for me this evening, March Boy March!
Breakfast: Porridge
Lunch: Porridge
Budget Spent: 58p.
... continue reading!