Realizing my 2010 Goals.
We all love to set personal goals. It gives us a sense of purpose and direction. I'm no different and instead of setting a New Year's resolution goal immediately after post festivities that herald the new year, I've managed to have a good hard think about what my future endeavours will be.
The goals for me to achieve for this year 2010 are as follows:
To set and complete my photography objectives and fulfil my aspirations in being a paid photographer.
Create and complete a social task/challenge that is rewarding not only for myself but beneficial to others.
To improve fitness and compete(and complete)in a marathon(42km)
I intend to go further with follow-up posts regarding each goal, breaking them down into quantifiable and specific components. This will make objectives less ambiguous and provide a finish line to know that such tasks have been completed. I've stuck to three which I believe challenge a person in the areas of mental, social and physical states.
Some may feel it somewhat absurd to broadcast these goals to the gargantuous black hole that is the Internet, but in doing so I am publicly encouraging any of YOU to challenge ME on my commitment in achieving my goals and not being distracted by the old women who offer us candy and often leading us astray. Drop me a comment at anytime to ask questions / give advice / prod me along. God knows that I'm going to need it to stay focused.
So let's rock this year out!