Monday, December 15, 2008

Gone Pro..

Dec 15th 2008 - I bit the bullet and went pro - Flickr Pro.

Now the arduous task of organising all those images into sets and collections.
It's also reason to back up all those images i have taken in the past year since acquiring my DSLR. I've spent too much time not to have these stored elsewhere besides my HDD.

Let the fun and games begin.

... continue reading!

Friday, November 28, 2008

What's in your bag?

Home on a Friday night and got nothing to do...
Why not empty your bags and document it to show the world?

What's in my bag - 28/11/2008

Ever since i got hooked into Flickr so many moons ago, it never ceases to surprise me on the creative ideas that emerge from this social photo sharing site. What can seem such a simple concept to an individual can actually be taken to a whole new level when shared with others.
Take the "What's in your bag" group that i have recently joined. The concept; take a photo of what is in your work / camera / travel / hand bag and let others catch a glimpse of how you tick.
I find it a truly insightful way to see how we have evolved and think from these modern age. Rarely will you not find some mobile or electronic gadget in one's bag. Have we become all to dependent on these electronic gadgets in order to survive the fast paced lifestyle?

So what's in yours?

... continue reading!

Monday, November 24, 2008

A New Start

Welcome to the humble beginnings of a blog that i plan to document my

  • musings on life and the course i undertake
  • still images that i capture through the viewfinder
  • links from my travels in the series of tubes
  • rantings from a rambling man

... continue reading!

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